Cabbage, Kg/pc


Cabbage seedlings were dipped briefly in Allgrow concentrate, before planting out.
These where then irrigated with a 3% Allgrow solution.

2 weeks after planting there is a clear difference in favor of the cuttings treated and irrigated with Allgrow.

During the 3rd week culminates growth.

During the end of the 4th week the differences become smaller.
Now is the green-mass measured, on the Allgrow treated plants, it has become double as large as on the untreated control group.

8 weeks after transplanting harvested of the cabbage.


The net weight/Cabbage head have a average of 240 g more (+ 15.9%) for the Allgrow treated.
Approved Cabbage Head: 57pc of Allgrow treated and 53pc of untreated. The Allgrow treated also had a deeper white / light-green color.
Rootsystem was larger on Allgrow treated, then on the untreated.


Source: Allgrow AB, Researcher





Allgrow AB
Stora Åvägen 21
436 34 Askim
