Short arguments

The Allgrow liquid contains in addition to all the nutrients, both macro-micro substances also two substances that control plant development. These two substances called auxin and cytokinin, whose qualities are essential for plant growth and development. The substance auxin formed in the shoot apex and transported down the stem. Auxin stimulates the growth of root hairs to the side roots. (You get a wider root and more nutrient-absorbing surface). In other words, one can say that auxin stimulates root growth, which is essential for good growth even at great harvest load. Auxin has also been shown to have a stimulating effect on flower development of, among other things tomato and cucumber plants. Cytokinins affects cell division, stimulates bud growth and leads to a more compact plant. Cytokinin inhibits aging of the plant, an important factor in intensive cultivation.


Argument for Allgrow®




Allgrow AB
Stora Åvägen 21
436 34 Askim
