Article in ”Trädgårds Nytt”


Microalgae, fertilizer in the future ?

Algae of all sorts, have for the peoples living in the archipelago in past times, been a major source of fertilizer. They plowed-down algaes/seeweed in the potato-fields, the vegetables-fields, etc.
A priceless inherited experience and knowledge, that was completely ”unacademic”, they did not know why, but it was necessary and very good, the work was very labor intensive and smelly.

Algae are plantmaterials and contains all the nutrients that everything that grows needs, both macro and micro.

But as with everything else, development, transformation and processing has taken place, now we can buy micro-algae living, breathing canned !!
It is around this that I will try to give my opinions and findings. Since I was the one who took the initiative to get the product "Allgrow" to our country and then been involved in trying to test "Allgrow" on a variety of crops, both in the greenhouse and outdoor cultivation, makes me want to present the results and experiences.
We are really a bit of a pioneer in this country with this type of fertilizer, or whatever we should call it, therefore I am very grateful to everyone who so kindly taken part in all the tests, examinations and partnerships which then, as always, gives unimpeachable results.

Although micro-algae are a novelty for many growers, it is almost 30 years of intensive research behind the product "Allgrow". The original product was made by researchers in order to find a solution to the problem of eutrophication caused by agriculture industry etc. Today the research result (the unique micro-algae) is sold, live in their unique nutritional solution, as"Allgrow" worldwide, by the Swedish company Allgrow AB.


What exactly is micro-algae ?

The preparation is made in a way so that a culture of a unique micro-algae may multiply in water. Optimal living conditions for the algae, through the continuous supply of nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide and artficiellt light (eg Bioreactors). After approx. 1 months the micro-algae have achieved a maximum density and the product is ready for sale.

Microalgae are, as I said, then in live form and contains a variety of nutrients, including the natural growth hormones Cytokines & Auxins. Substances found in all living plants, but not always in the right concentration for the plant to develop in a natural way.

The plant takes up and assimilates the substances the micro-algae/nutient solution contains of, through their leaf cells and root system. Micro-algae used as a complement to traditional fertilizers and affect the plant so that growth increases, leaf mass held greener longer and the plant can utilize nutrients supplied better . The plant / root system is enhanced, thereby improving nutrient absorption even more.


Is micro-algae fertilizer or what ?

Actually, it is wrong to call "Allgrow" a fertilizer in the truest sense. The nutritional content is too low for it to provide enough nutrition by it self. Microalgae however provides help and contributions in other ways. As supplied stimulator, "Allgrow" open-up nutrients bound/locked in the soil, and therefore not available to the plant.

English uses more aptly terms "Crop stimulants" or something that is more ”in time” "Bio-stimulants".
I would call it a ”Plant stimulants” or why not ”Root stimulants/Bud stimulants”.


Does the micro-algae do any good ?

Users, and they are many, has announced about very good reslutat when regular use, especially on improved root-mass of lettuce, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, cabbage plants, berrybushes, etc. Very pleasing is also the good results achieved in mildew/blight-fighting on cucumber, strawberries and roses.
For the cucumber-plant it is especially important that the mildew/blight-fight is preventive and regularly every week, on roses we have achieved results, even when there are established mildew/blight attacks. as recommendation, I would therefore emphasize the preventive use of "Allgrow".


Why are the micro-algae good ?

The algae is a plant in mother nature, containing all the known nutrients, but also containing what all plants contain and need, namely the natural plant hormones Cytokininer & Auxins. The nutritional content of microalgae is actually of secondary importance, to take full effect on that we must achieve high values/solutions. No, the important thing here is primary the hormones Cytokinins and Auxins. What effect have these then ?

- Cytokinins: Promotes the cell-division and sucker-formation.
- Auxin: Stimulates the growth of shoots and roots.

Growth hormones = algae is a plant, the plants themselves form/produce small amounts of growth regulating substances. These hormones control growth and other processes such as length growth, bud formation, bonding, fruiting, ripening, leaf decay, etc. In order to understand the context, I give an example, synthetic growth hormones are made artificially. These artificial substances are used, among other things, in herbicides, as retarding substances, as sustainability substances, etc.

Auxins are used, i.a., in herbicides, why ? Well, because the weeds will "grow themselves to death."
Cytokinins are used to promote side-shoots formation, but the most important, Cytokinins are used as sustainability substances to prevent the aging of the fruit bodies, green mass and stop the deay of leaf (turning to yellow).

Micro-algae contains all this, but by nature created in smaller quantities and there in a balance for all plants to develop naturally.

When using the usual chemical fertilizers, there is a lack of these natural hormones completely, that's why, I think, that the effect is seen so quickly and clearly in all cultures, after the micro-algae ”Allgrow” have been added !


How to use the micro-algae ?

Microalgae are used either by spraying the plants with a ”knapsack sprayer”, tractor mounted sprayer, sprayer, sprinkler, mist systems (as cold-fogging) or through the irrigation system.
In my recommendations, I separate the dosage amounts so that through:
- Irrigation system (drip sweat-hoses, nozzles) 1-2% (1-2L Allgrow/100 L of water).
- Leaf spraying 5-7% (5-7dl Allgrow/10 L of water)
- Cold-fogging 2.5 to 5 L / 20 l of water (per 1.000sqm needed 40 L of water and 5-10 L Allgrow.

At mildew/blight treatment use at least a 5% Allgrow dilution. Initiate the treatment prevention-treatment or immediately after planting and regularly, at least 1 day/week.


For which cultures can we use micro-algae ?

Because of that the algae is a plant, a plant included in the ecology, there is no crop that the microalgae are not suitable for, but may be significant in which amount it is added. Very good experience over the years has been achieved in all cultures under glass/plastic. Most tests have been made on cucumber, tomato, pepper and lettuce. Recently, additional tests on potatoes gave higher yield, higher storage capability and disease resistance.

From strawberry, cabbage and sugar-beet growers there have also been reports about very good results. A very positive effect is the effect against powdery mildew, as well on strawberry, cucumber, currants, but this tests continues next year.


Getting a yield increase ?

The best reports to me, is a harvest increase of 30%. It is here a question of a cultivation of cucumbers, where they could grow "Non mildew tolerant" cucumbers throughout the year. But even very good results from a tomato, potato and pepper plantations have been reported.

I expect a yield increase on average 10-15%, but the qualitative-yield of certain cultures can be considerably larger, I am primarily thinking of the leaf-, root vegetables such as lettuce, dill, parsley, potatoes, brassicas.


Comments from users !

- I have never had such a good root-system as this year.

- It's the first year I managed without leaves burn with this tomatoes. We normally during the summer months have ”leaf-edge burn” on the salad, but not this year, we have not made any changes in fertilizer use or climate, the only thing we have changed, is adding micro-algae (Allgrow) supply during the summer months.

- It is unbelievable, but the powdery mildew/blight disappeared from the strawberry plants when spraying with Allgrow.


Ecological product ! Luomu approved !

Here we have one of the most important benefits. Micro-algae can be used at any time, has no harmful effect on biological pesticides, no ”waiting periods” to think about, completely safe in all ways. This should also be something that producer-organizations and other similar organizations could inform consumers on, that they uses organic nutritional additives in their domestic production. Here as a growers, you can make pressure on your organization, or you who have direct sales, to inform that they/you also uses other than chemical fertilizer in your cultivation.
It can give an extra "kick" to your sales with better demand and price.

Demand to Your plant supplier, for the new growing season, that the plants You order must be regularly treated with microalgae.
This ensures a plant with enhanced disease resistance and a healthy root system. Microalgae are sold under the name Allgrow.


Sune Gullans




Allgrow AB
Stora Åvägen 21
436 34 Askim
