Auxin & Cytokinin i Allgrow !

Allgrow contain besides nutrients, macro-substances, micro-substances or trace-elements such as for example boron, manganese, magnesium, copper, etc., two substances observed as hormones which controls the plant's development, just as in us humans. These two hormones are called auxin and cytokinin, whose characteristics we will explain below.



Auxin och CytokininHave the following function according to the textbook: Auxin was the first hormone to be discovered. It synthesized in the stem and the root-hairs and transported through the plantaxis. They are characterized principally by their ability to stimulate cell renewal in the stem and in some growing parts, but also affects other stages of development such as the formation of roots, shoots in the axil, flowers and fruit formation Auxin is synthesized (produced) in the shoot apex and transported down the stem. Auxin is basically a carbon-hydrogen-oxygen compound. Auxin inhibits the growth of the main root but stimulates the growth of root hairs in lateral roots. (You get a wider root, more nutrient-absorbing surface) In other words auxin stimulates root-growth, which is vital for plants. Good for plants with tubers like potatoes, carrots, turnip, beet, radish, etc. At the cuttings preparation has auxin treatment in some cases, proven to have a stimulating effect on germination (shortterm-treatment in lowpercentage solution). Auxin also found to have a stimulating effect on flower development of some plants, such as annanas-plant, tomato-plant, cucumber-plant, etc.



Have the following features according to the textbook: Cytokines are the N6-substituted derivative of nitrogenpurinbase adenine, characterized by its ability to stimulate cell-division in tissue cultures. (Kinetin) Cytokines affect the mentioned cell division (but also stretching) The ratio auxin to cytokinin is very important ! Cytokines stimulate bud-growth leading to bushy plants. Cytokines inhibit senescence (aging) Cytokines affect the part of the cell where the light is converted into energy for the plant, easily described. (Adds more chlorophyll when the plants are exposed to light).

Other effects of Cytokinin.
Applied on the outside, the cytokinin gives cell-enlargement in some parts of (kototyledoner: where the embryo takes shape in the flower of the plant: eg seed), sunflowers and cucumbers.




Much cytokinin gives abundant with shoots !

Much auxin gives larger root system !

The balance between Auxin and Cytokinin is extremely important !



Arguments for Allgrow built on the above:

• Allgrow stimulates root-growth.

• Increases nutrient uptake by more well-developed roots.

• Interacts with the nitrogen-decomposing bacteria. (Nitrogen can only be brought up by the plants in ammonia-compounds ie other nitrogen must be broken down first)

• Highenergy-nutrition transfers directly to the plant (roots / leaves by osmosis).

• Stimulates bud-formation / flower-formation.

• Reduces the need for nutrients, because the nutrients available in the soil will be more effectively utilized. (Botanical Garden, Gothenburg noted that they didn´t do any after-fertilizing).

• Increases nutrient uptake by more well-developed roots.

• Interacts with nitrogen-decomposing bacteria. (Nitrogen can only be brought up the plants in ammonia-compounds ie. other nitrogen must be broken down first.

• Good to periodically add compost, stimulates bacteria which makes the green parts are break down .

• Increases durability after harvest for crops. (Senescence = counteracts the aging of leaves and green parts)

• Stimulates the plants to sprout. Increases the green parts of plants such as broccoli, etc.

• Stimulates ethylene-production in the correct dose for plants that need this for it´s floral composition / fruiting. Corn, barley, pineapple. etc.

• Increase germination.

• Soil improver (Sandy soils).



It required 1.5 liters of fossil-fuel to produce 1 kg of nitrogen in the form of a chemical fertilizer !

For producing Allgrow, we only use air, clean water and natural food for the algae.
No emissions!





Allgrow AB
Stora Åvägen 21
436 34 Askim
