We have now together with one of the major companies in the industry, ”Green Styling," implemented a project where the effects of using only Allgrow on plants / seedlings in different environments studied. This project has now recently been evaluated.
• The plants have got a luxuriant, healthier appearance, they look stronger.
• The plants provides many and fine sprouts, which facilitates pruning.
• When pruning, the plant will not as "scrawny" as before.
• Vermin (”Wool”-lice, Thrips, etc.) has declined significantly, in some cases completely disappeared.
• Replaces / replacing plants with new ones, less often now.
• We experience that the use of Allgrow now, is a great boost in our daily plant care.
• The lifespan of the plants has increased, resulting in lower costs for exchange / replacement plants.
• Better economy, due to reduced costs (for plants, fertilizers, labor, etc.).
• Easy to use. • Helps to think and act ecologically, which is important for us.
• We are very pleased and now only uses Allgrow on our plants / seedlings !!!
100% organic nutrients, approved for KRAV cultivation/farming.
A living Chlorella algae, with high nutritional content, that directly absorbs by the leaf/plant cells.
Strengthening and increases the plants immune-system, bud formation, etc. in a natural way !
Sprayed over the entire plant for optimal effect !
Reducing the need for pesticides !
0,5dl Allgrow Mix + 1 liter of water (5%) in a spray / shower bottle:
Spring & Summer: Spray / showering all over the foliage, stems and branches, at least 1 time / month.
Replace the "normal” fertilizer in the irrigation-water with 5% Allgrow-solution
Fall & Winter: Spray / showering all over the foliage, stems and branches, at least 1 time / month.
Allgrow is available in 1 L 5 L & 20 L packaging.