

Summary of test on Cucumber


Summary from all the data from the test cultivation:

A Allgrow-solution between 1.5-2.5% appears to be the optimal concentration.


 Leaf-mass is the lagrest (up-take of sun and nutritions, etc)


The trunk / stem is strongest


The height of the plant is highest (able to reach for max sun-light (Chlorophyll)


The mass of the root is the largest (advantage for nutrition up-take).


The number of leaves are equal to the others.


Source: Cucumber farmer, Allgrow AB




Cucumber harvest at different times & Totaly


Allgrow mixtures with 1.5%, 2.5%, 4% and 8% where all sprayed every 4 days, during production season.
The highest yield in this test, was obtained at a 4% solution Allgrow.
In the harvests on the test-growing by 4% Allgrow solution, where the bulk harvest of Class I.
None of the test crops had no visible attack of powdery mildew/blight.


Source: Cucumber farmer, Allgrow AB





Allgrow AB
Stora Åvägen 21
436 34 Askim
