Plant above ground (DS-weight in gram)
A - Peat treated with Allgrow and irrigation with Allgrow nutrition
B - Previous used peat (with traditional chem.fertilizer) and irrigation with Allgrow nutrition.
C - Control culture with traditional chem.fertilizer.
Cooperation with a plant-nursery school,grows in sandy soils.
Red oak (Quercus rubra)
Grown commercial in Sweden, have a red-fade in the leaves, pointed tabs.
Forrest oak (Quercus Robur)
Most commonly, leaves with short shaft, the acorn have long shaft)
2 test cultivations and 1 control cultivation with 500-800 cuttings each.
A - Peat treated with Allgrow and irrigation with Allgrow nutrition
B - Previous used peat (with traditional chem.fertilizer) and irrigation with Allgrow nutrition.
C - Control culture with traditional chem.fertilizer.
Generally it can be said that we noted a large positive deviation of the Allgrow treated cuttings.
Forrest oak (Quercus Robur)
control culture showed strong attack of powdery mildew, the leaves and the growth was slower.
Cuttings treated with Allgrow had intense green, lush color.
Redoak (Quercus rubra)
The control culture was visibly weaker and with autumnal red leaf color.
Cuttings treated with Allgrow was stronger with leaves in a autumnal like color.