General cultivation instructions | Generally for plants med <10w & >10w development
Apples | Cabbage | Carrots | Chilipepper / Peppers | Cucumber | Grass | Golf | Indoor plants | Leek / Onion | Maize / Corn | Peas | Potato
Roses | Salad / Lettuce | Spices | Strawberries | Summer flowers | Tomato | Vegetabiles on open fields | Wheat


Chilipepper / Peppers

Germination of seeds in soil:

5% Allgrow solution
(1dl Allgrow + 2L water).
Waterout a 2 times / week.
(2L / sqm).

Growing plants:

5% Allgrow solution
(1dl Allgrow + 2L water).
Spray the plant/soil with , 2 times / week.
(2L / sqm).


When fruit are visible:

5% Allgrow solution
(0,5dl Allgrow + 2L water)
Spray the plant/soil with , 1 time / week.
(2L / sqm).





Allgrow AB
Stora Åvägen 21
436 34 Askim
