General cultivation instructions | Generally for plants med <10w & >10w development
Apples | Cabbage | Carrots | Chilipepper / Peppers | Cucumber | Grass | Golf | Indoor plants | Leek / Onion | Maize / Corn | Peas | Potato
Roses | Salad / Lettuce | Spices | Strawberries | Summer flowers | Tomato | Vegetabiles on open fields | Wheat


Golf courses


2% Allgrow solution watering / spraying out.
(3dl Allgrow + 15 liters of water for 100 square meters).
1 day / week (early morning / late evening)
Normal watering not earlier than 24 hours after treatment.

When “picked” green: The above treatment is carried out at least 1 time / per week.


Allgrow increases fertility, increases the micro life in sandy soils. Providing up to 3 times longer roots, provides a durable grass surface. Reduces mold/blight.
Reduces the need of adding nitrogen (up to 50% has been measured).


Golf courses

Reduced "Thatch".
Allgrow stimulate and increase the micro life in the soil, which in turn increases the rate of decomposition of organic material.
This is one of the main reasons for NOT building-up the "Thatch". As the "Thatch" layer does not build up (production of plant material is below the decomposition (performed by microorganisms)) of plant material, the irrigation and nutritions will therefore penetrate further into the bed of plants, ie. grass roots will penetrate further down/into the soil, as wished.

When the runoff of water from the surface decreases and instead the runoff instead goes straight down, into the ground accurately. Another advantage of this is when the "Thatch" layer does not "damming-up" water on the surface, the risk of fungal attack decreases (water is not standing above the surface = not spongy-feeling on the surface when irrigation or when it rains).

The risk of "dry spots" (hard surfaces having difficulties to absorb water) decreases, which after dry periods have difficulties to absorb water. Moreover, Allgrow prevent mold / fungal growth, by strengthening the cell-walls of grass, mold spores have problems to get ”a grip on the grass”. Good results have also been obtained against the "Take-all Patch" Root-mass becomes greater, providing a better nutrient uptake, reaching more moisture / water through their longer roots (up to 3 times longer).





Allgrow AB
Stora Åvägen 21
436 34 Askim
