General cultivation instructions | Generally for plants med <10w & >10w development
Apples | Cabbage | Carrots | Chilipepper / Peppers | Cucumber | Grass | Golf | Indoor plants | Leek / Onion | Maize / Corn | Peas | Potato
Roses | Salad / Lettuce | Spices | Strawberries | Summer flowers | Tomato | Vegetabiles on open fields | Wheat
3.75 to 4% Allgrow solution
Use a quantity of 15 liter Allgrow / ha
Water needs of 400 liter water / ha
Watering-out or spray-out three (3) times during the growing season, starting 5-7 days after planting.
Allgrow should be spread out two (2) times in the irrigation system before planting, with a 0,3% Allgrow solution.
No other nutrient shall simultaneously be spread, this is to not have incorrect control parameters, which can then cause damage to young plants / seedlings.
A 1,5% Allgrow solution should then be diluted in the drip-irrigation system for 1 day, 1 time / week throughout the growing season. 3% Allgrow solution can also be sprayed over the plants every tenth (10:e) day.
It will not appear any difference in the development of the rootsystem during the first 2 weeks, the development will then be in week 3 and onwards, enhance growth including the root system, bud / fruiting, etc.
2,0 % Allgrow solution
Water-out 2dl Allgrow solution/plant and 1 time/week.
3% – 3,75% Allgrow solution
Use quantity 15 liters Allgrow / ha
Water-out or Spray-out every 3:rd week throughout the growing season.
Water needs of 400-500 liters of water / ha
En 1,5% Allgrow solution diluted in drip-irrigation system for 1 day,
This shall be done 1 day / week during the growing season.
8 liters Allgrow mix with the irrigation water every 14:th day / 1,000 sqm.