General cultivation instructions | Generally for plants med <10w & >10w development
Apples | Cabbage | Carrots | Chilipepper / Peppers | Cucumber | Grass | Golf | Indoor plants | Leek / Onion | Maize / Corn | Peas | Potato
Roses | Salad / Lettuce | Spices | Strawberries | Summer flowers | Tomato | Vegetabiles on open fields | Wheat


Grass / Lawn

Germination of seed in soil

5% Allgrow solution
(Mix 1dl Allgrow + 2 l water)
Soil: 50% sand and 50% peat
Temperature: 20-22 C
Watering on 1 sq.m!


2% Allgrow solution
(3DL Allgrow + 15 liters of water for 100 square meters).
Watered out 1 time / week..


Allgrow increases the fertility of sandy soils.
Providing up to 3 times longer roots, provides a durable lawn.
Reduces mold/blight.
Reduces the need of adding nitrogen (up to 50% has been measured).


To construct a lawn

The best time to apply a lawn is early spring or late summer (Aug / Sept).
The temperature should not fall below 10 C °.
Moisted soil save water.
Warmer soil provides a faster germination and establishment of grass.
Less weeds provides a smoother and more beautiful lawn (clear continuously).


Construct new lawn

Ensure that there are adequate supplies of the soil (humus sandy soil) at least 10 cm. (The water is drained away better / faster, will not compact or crack when dry) Flatten and pack the soil carefully with a roller (a footprint must not provide more than 1cm deep imprint).

Watering-up the soil to make it moist/humid.
Water-out 5% Allgrow solution (8dl Allgrow + 15 liters of water for 100 sqm) Spread grass seed evenly over the surface.
Roller grilles so that the seeds get a good contact with the soil.

Keep the newly seeded area moisted, do not overwater, irrigate little but often.

2% Allgrow solution (3dl Allgrow + 15 liters of water for 100 sqm) water out, 1 day / week (preferably late at night), regular watering earliest 15 hours after treatment.




Existing lawn

Old/established lawn:
Milling down to about 20cm (with cultivator) and remove weeds, stones, stumps and roots.
Spread then 5cm sand and mill again to mix.
Flatten and pack the soil carefully with a roller (a footprint must not provide more than 1cm deep imprint).
Further, see "Construct new lawn" above.

Clayey soil:
Spread a layer (5cm) with topsoil (containing much peat), cutter down / mix.
Spread then a layer of sand (5cm).
Flatten and pack the soil carefully with a roller (a footprint must not provide more than 1cm deep imprint).
Further, see "Construct new lawn" above.

Very poor soil:
Spread 1 cubic meters of cow dung of 100 square meters, mix well with a cultivator.
Flatten and pack the soil carefully with a roller (a footprint must not provide more than 1cm deep imprint).
Further, see "Construct new lawn" above.




Allgrow AB
Stora Åvägen 21
436 34 Askim
